**Beware Dear Reader as you are about to cross paths with the frightening but all too common Pack From Hell.**

There is something that is more disappointing with bad packs of Heritage as opposed to Allen & Ginter and I think it has everything to do with the mini. No matter how many doubles of
Hubertus Wawra you pull you at least have that mini to make things all better. Heritage doesn't have that and plus they don't even have gum anymore. When the highlight of the pack is Jered Weaver you know where the pack is from.
#26 Josh Thole

#341 Lorenzo Cain

#302 Ramon Hernandez

#420 Miguel Montero

#279 Bengie Molina

#96 Jered Weaver

#112 Luke Scott

#151 Arthur Rhodes

#407 Wade Davis
It's not a bad pack, really! It'd be a sleeper #12 seed ready to pounce on a #5 and #4 that gets lazy.
I can imagine a kid pulling a pack of, say, 1976 Topps with: Kirkwood, Oates, Dettore, Meoli, Nyman, Freisleben, Veryzer, Fahey, Hinton and Decker.